01. The Cucumber is very cunning seafood
02. Fruit Primates
03. As I Met the Olive
04. The Fearful Plug
05. The House of Broken Plates
06. A Date with the Cabbage
07. Uncompromising Cholesterol Intervention
08. Bugs Gonna Eat Your Head
09. Love and Hate of the Red Fish
10. Psychoneurosis of Hot Beer
Apelsinovaya Krevetka started to exist in 2007.
The band members are: Dmitry Pertsev - guitars\vocals\bass
and Ilya Morzhev - drums. The demo was recorded
in summer 2009. In November 2010 the band began
recording the first album at Freewind Studio, Krasnodar.
The work was done in February 2011. The music style
represents the mixture of hardcore and thrash metal with
oriental and Spanish motifs. The lyrics are entirely
devoted to all kind of deviations and abound with metaphors
and allegories.