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     страна : Russia

       стиль : Pagan Black Metal

     contact:  website  e-mail

Band contact:
P. O. Box 526
Rostov-on-Don, 344010

Stanislav lvanoff - vocals (1996-
Vadim Chernikov - guitars, ocarinas (1998-
Denis Shapoualov - guitars (1996-
Nikolay Vlaskin - bass (1998-
Konstantin Konstantinov - drums (1997-
Olga Baranjieva - flute, recorder, ocarinas (1997-

"Betrayal Light of Fertile Ground" mCD 5 tracks (с) 1998 Soundscape Music Canada 21:27
"Betrayal Light of Fertile Ground" MC 5 tracks (с) 1999 The Flaming Arts 21:27
"Harvest" promo CD-R 8 (с) 1999 SUNCHARIOT 37:18
"Harvest" + "Betrayal Light of Fertile Ground" CD 13 tracks (с) 2001 Irond Ltd.
"SUNCHARIOT - ARCHIVES 1997-1999_ VHS (с) 2000 SUNCHARIOT 60 min
- the recording of _Betrayal Light of Fertile Ground_ (April 1997)
- _Carrion_ unplugged (November 1997)
- live at _RockCity Fest-II_ (November 1998)
- the recording of _Harvest_ (January-April 1999)

pagan black metal

Stanislav lvanoff - vocals (1996-
Vadim Chernikov - guitars, ocarinas (1998-
Denis Shapoualov - guitars (1996-
Nikolay Vlaskin - bass (1998-
Konstantin Konstantinov - drums (1997-
Olga Baranjieva - flute, recorder, ocarinas (1997-

"Betrayal Light of Fertile Ground" mCD 5 tracks (с) 1998 Soundscape Music Canada 21:27
"Betrayal Light of Fertile Ground" MC 5 tracks (с) 1999 The Flaming Arts 21:27
"Harvest" promo CD-R 8 (с) 1999 SUNCHARIOT 37:18
"Harvest" + "Betrayal Light of Fertile Ground" CD 13 tracks (с) 2001 Irond Ltd.
"SUNCHARIOT - ARCHIVES 1997-1999_ VHS (с) 2000 SUNCHARIOT 60 min
- the recording of _Betrayal Light of Fertile Ground_ (April 1997)
- _Carrion_ unplugged (November 1997)
- live at _RockCity Fest-II_ (November 1998)
- the recording of _Harvest_ (January-April 1999)

SUNCHARIOT's music can be labeled as Slavonic Black Metal with traditional melodies and
atmospheres that characterize their Russian heritage. This is the music of free and
boundless steppes; this is the music from the heart. Words like aggressive, but modern,
powerful and melodic, are often used to describe the band's sound and overall style.

SUNCHARIOT was formed in the very beginning of 1996 by Stanislav Ivanoff (vocal/guitar)
and Denis Shapovalov (guitar) upon the ruins of black metal band SACRIFICED. After
numerous line-up problems, Konstantin "Scur" Konstantinov (drums) was recruited to the
band. Later on, the trio was
upgraded to a quartet with the addition of Olga Baranjieva (flute). In June 1997 this
line-up recorded the band's first demo, "Betrayal Light of Fertile Ground".

In October 1997, SUNCHARIOT signed a licensing deal with Montreal based indie label
SOUNDSCAPE MUSIC CANADA for the release of their debut demo on compact disc. Released in
July 1998, "Betrayal Light of Fertile Ground" became the first Russian black metal release
that hit North American Shores.

During 1998, SUNCHARIOT's line-up has been expanded. A new guitar player Vadim Chernikov
joined the band with plenty of fresh ideas, which turned the music into more folk oriented
direction. And finally Nikolay Vlaskin was admitted to the band to take over bass.

Such an expansion made the band available for the live performances. The first and yet the
only one took place in November 1998 in Moscow, where SUNCHARIOT played at Rock-City Fest
II: "Black Metal Invasion" and was recognized as one of the best bands ever played on this

On the 30th of January 1999 it was time for SUNCHARIOT to enter the studio for the second
time to record their new full-length album "Harvest". The recording proceeded for more
than four months and was finished on the 31 of May. Of course the band didn't spend all
this time in the studio day by day. There were several delays and intervals during the
recording session and it took much energy and time for the band to obtain the desired
results. And SUNCHARIOT fully succeeded in their task! Utterly melodic, "Harvest" is
filled by the magnificent and dolorous Russian folk atmospheres created by the enchanting
flute parts and live choir appearances.

Unfortunately, after the recording of the album the band stopped any activities, while its
members formed their own side-projects: STILLIFE, DIE MUZIK and MODE OF LIFE.
Nevertheless, in Summer 2001, SUNCHARIOT gathered together again in full line-up to sign a
deal with IROND LTD. for the release of "Harvest" + bonus mCD "Betrayal Light of Fertile
Ground". It's likely to believe, this release won't be the last one and the band will get
out of crisis, presenting us new quality releases.

Полный актуальный ассортимент продукции нашей компании - в магазине "Даркус" - ТЦ "Горбушкин Двор", 2 этаж, пав. C2-011

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