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     страна : Holland

       стиль : Gothic Metal

     contact:  website  e-mail

Jarno Wilde, Noordermeent 75, 1218 CC Hilversum, Holland


Jarno - grunts/screams
Marijke - vocals
Vincent - guitar
Wilfred - guitar
Bas - basguitar
Vera - synthesizers
Matthijs - drums

Whispering Sorcery (2000, ColdBlood Industries)

A love of dark, atmospheric music and greater fairy tales initiated the formation of Mjolnir. Thor owned a hammer, which he casted towards his enemies. This hammer, called Mjolnir, symbolizes the destructive force of nature. Fierce lightning storms, that swipe away life as easily as it was once created. After a well-received demo, 'Whispering Sorcery' is the first release by this Holland-based band. Mjolnir's music could well be described as Atmospheric Dark Metal. While the broad keyboard parts set a fabulous, often sinister atmosphere and heavenly female vocals and clean guitars provide a lot of diversity, the edgy, layering guitar lines and deep grunts definitely make this a metalalbum. National media have so far compared Mjolnir with bands like Tristania, Within Temptation and early The Gathering. Mjolnir has already performed with well known acts like Within Temptation, Asphyx and God Dethroned. Despite musical differences, the band was able to convince the audiences at those shows.

Полный актуальный ассортимент продукции нашей компании - в магазине "Даркус" - ТЦ "Горбушкин Двор", 2 этаж, пав. C2-011

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